Dr Dodul Mondal – Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

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Dr Dodul Mondal – Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

Call Time: 10:30 A.M. to 8:30 P.M.

Dr Dodul Mondal - Best Oncologist in Delhi NCR

Best Blood Cancer Specialist Delhi NCR

Everything You Need To Know About Blood Cancer

Blood cancer represents a large number of different malignancies. This group includes cancers of the bone marrow, blood, and lymphatic system, including cancers of the lymph nodes, lymph vessels, tonsils, thymus, spleen, and lymphatic tissues of the digestive tract. Leukemia and myeloma start in the bone marrow, and lymphoma starts in the lymphatic system and are the most common types of blood cancers. Blood Cancer Specialist Doctor. The cause of these cancers is unclear. As leukemia and myeloma grow in the bone marrow, they interfere with the bone marrow’s ability to produce normal blood cells, including white blood cells, red blood cells, and platelets. This can cause frequent infections, anemia and easy bruising. Lymphoma usually manifests as swollen lymph nodes and may also interfere with the body’s ability to fight infection. In addition, the substances produced by myeloma weaken bones and produce abnormal proteins, which can cause symptoms in other parts of the body. The treatment of Blood Cancer Specialist has been substantially improved, thereby increasing the remission rate and survival rate. Specific gene mutations have been identified and used as therapeutic targets. If there are no signs of cancer, remission. Today, nearly 1 million people in the United States suffer from or benefit from blood cancer. (Source: LLS). People with blood cancer may experience bleeding and serious infections. Seek medical attention immediately  to check for symptoms such as uncontrolled bleeding, profuse sweating, difficulty breathing, white or blue lips or nails, high fever (above 101 degrees Fahrenheit), rapid heart rhythm, confusion, loss or Decreased level of consciousness or anxiety. If you experience unexpected weight loss, persistent fever, frequent infections, night sweats, fatigue, bone pain, or swollen lymph nodes, seek medical attention immediately.

What are the symptoms of blood cancer?

Blood cancer can produce a variety of symptoms, or no symptoms at all.

Common symptoms of blood cancer

  • Abdominal pain, especially in the upper abdomen
  • Bone fracture (spontaneous or due to minor trauma)
  • Bone or joint pain
  • Bleeding or bruising easily
  • Enlarged liver and glands, such as enlarged spleen and lymph nodes
  • Fatigue
  • Fever and chills
  • Often infected
  • Frequent urination
  • Nausea, which may be described as irritability, malaise, vomiting, seasickness, motion sickness or stomach upset
  • Night sweats
  • Unexplainable weight loss

Severe symptoms may indicate a life-threatening condition

In some cases, blood cancer can be life-threatening, especially in the case of severe infections or uncontrollable bleeding. If you or someone with you has any of the following life-threatening symptoms, seek medical care immediately.

  • The color of lips or nails turns blue
  • Changes in the level of consciousness or alertness, such as fainting or unresponsiveness
  • Changes in mental status or sudden changes in behavior, such as confusion, irritation, drowsiness, hallucinations and delusions
  • Chest pain, chest tightness, chest tightness, heart
  • High fever (above 101 degrees Fahrenheit)
  • Fast heartbeat (tachycardia)
  • Breathing or breathing problems, such as shortness of breath, dyspnea, dyspnea, wheezing
  • Attack
  • Severe abdominal pain
  • Loss of control or heavy bleeding

What causes blood cancer?

Although the specific cause of blood cancer is not clear, many factors are related to its development. In the elderly, many blood cancers are more common. Some people tend to operate at home. Certain infections also seem to increase the risk of certain blood cancers, Best blood cancer specialist in Delhi NCR, and the immune system is also weakened.

What are the risk factors for blood cancer?

Many factors increase the risk of blood cancer. Not all people with risk factors will get blood cancer. Risk factors for blood cancer include:

  • Old age
  • Certain types of infections
  • Immune system is compromised due to diseases such as HIV/AIDS, corticosteroids or organ transplantation
  • Exposure to certain chemicals
  • Exposure to radiation or certain types of chemotherapy
  • Family history of blood cancer
  • Solid organ transplant recipients
  • Personal medical history of certain blood disorders
  • Personal medical history of certain genetic diseases (Down syndrome)
  • Smokes
best blood cancer specialist doctor delhi

How is blood cancer treated?

Goals of cancer treatment

The goal of hematological cancer treatment is to permanently cure the cancer or completely relieve the Disease. Remission means that there are no more signs of disease in the body, although there may be recurrence or recurrence in the future.

Some blood cancers grow slowly enough, so you can choose to delay treatment. If you decide to delay treatment, you need to follow up closely, that is, wait for observation, so that you can determine the obvious progress and start treatment when needed.

Common treatments for blood cancer

There are several therapies that can be used to treat blood cancers, including:
  • Biotherapy attacks cancer cells
  • Chemotherapy attacks cancer cells
  • Participate in a clinical trial that tested promising new treatments for blood cancers
  • Radiation therapy attacks cancer cells
  • Stem cell transplantation provides healthy stem cells, which can produce healthy blood cells
  • Targeted therapy for specific cancer cells or signaling proteins
  • Pay attention to waiting to recognize when to start treatment

Other Treatments for Blood Cancer

Other therapies can be added to help you improve your general health, any complications of cancer and its treatment, including:

  • Take anti-nausea medicine if necessary
  • Antibiotics and other medicines can reduce the possibility of infection
  • Blood transfusion to temporarily replace blood components (such as red blood cells or platelets)
  • Dental care to treat oral symptoms of leukemia or chemotherapy
  • Diet counseling to help cancer patients maintain physical and nutritional status
  • If you need to increase comfort, you can use painkillers
  • Surgery to remove enlarged or broken spleen
  • Vaccination against diseases such as influenza and pneumonia

Complementary treatment

Some complementary treatments may help some people better cope with blood cancer and its treatment. These therapies are sometimes called alternative therapies and are used in conjunction with traditional medical therapies. Complementary treatment cannot replace traditional medical services. If you are taking nutritional supplements or homeopathy (over-the-counter medicines), be sure to notify Best blood cancer specialist in Delhi NCR as they may interact with prescription medicines. Complementary treatment may include:
  • Acupuncture
  • Massage therapy
  • Nutritional dietary supplements, herbs, tea drinks and similar products
  • Yoga