About Us

Director And Clinical Administrator, Radiation Oncology Max Institute Of Cancer Care, Max Super Speciality Hospital, Saket, Delhi Fellow, Proton Beam Therapy And Precision Radiation Oncology Cancer Institute of New Jersey, USA
Awards And Honors
Fellowship in Precision Radiation Oncology Cancer Institute of New Jersey, Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital, NJ, USA.
- Awarded prestigious UICC-ICRETT fellowship in 2016 by Union for International Cancer Control.
- Awarded CSIR travel grant for presenting paper in World Cancer Congress, Paris, 2016.
- Received Travel grant from St Gallen cancer committee for 14th St Gallen Breast Cancer Conference, Vienna, 2015
- Received Travel grant from ICMR for presenting research work in 14th St Gallen Breast Cancer Conference, Vienna, 2015
- Awarded Junior Class Assistantship in Preventive and Social Medicine
- Awarded Certificate of Merit in Preventive and Social Medicine by IAPSM (Indian Association of Preventive and Social Medicine)
- Awarded Gold Medal in Preventive and Social Medicine
- Obtained Honours in Preventive and Social Medicine
- Awarded Gopal Ch Banik Memorial Prize for securing highest marks in Pediatric Medicine in the year 2003 in 3rd Prof MBBS from NRS Medical College
- Awarded Prof A.K. Nandi Memorial Prize for securing highest marks in Pediatric Medicine in the year 2003 in 3rd Prof MBBS from NRS Medical College
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Cancer ?
Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of body cells that invade the surrounding normal tissues. If not checked in time, it will spread to distant organs.
What cause Cancer ?
There is no single cause of cancer. Doctors believe that cancer is caused by a combination of many factors. The factors involved may be the individual’s genetic, environmental or physical characteristics.
Can injuries cause Cancer ?
Can injury cause cancer? It is a common myth that injuries can cause cancer. But the truth is that falls, bruises, fractures or other similar injuries have nothing to do with cancer. Sometimes a person may see a health care provider for what was believed to be the cause of injury and cancer at the time.
Can stress cause Cancer ?
No, being stressed does not increase the risk of cancer. Over the past few years, studies have studied many people, but there is no evidence that people with greater stress are more likely to develop cancer. However, how you cope or deal with stress may affect your health.
Is Cancer contagious ?
In the past, people often stayed away from people with cancer. They are worried that they will “infect” the disease. But cancer is not like flu or cold. You cannot get cancer from someone who has cancer. You will not get cancer from people around you or people who have cancer. Don’t be afraid to visit someone with cancer. They need the support of family and friends.
Can Cancer be cured ?
Cure means that the treatment has eradicated cancer and there is no chance that it will return. It is rare that a doctor can ensure that cancer will never return. In most cases it takes time and the longer a person remains cancer-free, the better chance cancer will not return.
Who gets cancer ?
Anyone can get cancer, although the risk increases with age. Your personal risk depends on many factors, such as whether you smoke, lifestyle choices (such as diet and exercise), family history of cancer, and factors in the workplace and environment.
How many people alive today have ever had cancer ?
Today, almost 17 million people alive in the United States have had some type of cancer. Some of these people are cancer-free; others still have it.
How is cancer Treated ?
Surgery, chemotherapy and radiation are the three main cancer treatments. Cancer patients may receive any or all of these treatments. When choosing a treatment plan, the most important factors are usually the type of cancer and the stage (amount) of the cancer.
Is cancer treatment worse than cancer ?
When many people decide whether to receive cancer treatment, this belief can be dangerous for many people. People who believe that treatment is worse than cancer may not have access to life-saving treatments.
Is cancer genetic ?
In fact, cancer is a genetic disease. This is because cancers are caused by mutations or changes in genes that control the way our cells function, causing them to behave abnormally. These mutations can be inherited and account for about 5% to 10% of all cancer cases, but the changes in these genes are likely to occur during a person’s lifetime due to factors other than human genetics.
The first step towards a healthy life is to schedule an appointment. Please contact our office by phone or complete the appointment request form.